What does ReUsit mean ?

ReUsit is a free community platform of trust to help each other by sharing unused objects. All is based on a currency : Toha. Lend objects enables to earn Toha and lend objects costs Toha. Finally, you simply need to participate to enjoy for free. What does “Toha” mean ?

As ReUsit is launched in Aotearoa (New-Zealand in maori), we wanted to use a maori word for the currency used. Indeed, Toha comes from “Tohatoha” that means To share. What is the cost to use ReUsit? Subscribing and using BT is free of charge. Nevertheless, ReUsit has a business model by proposing its services to groups of people called communities (fellow-workers in a company, team-mates in a club etc.). By creating a “community”, the group can have access to a private and personalized sharing group.

I can’t find what I'm looking for?

If you've been looking for a specific object but you can't find one near you, you can add it to your wishlist! When the object is listed on the website, you will get an automatic alert message. Simply as !

How do you protect my data ?

Your different date : home address, phone, email will remain secret to the other users. On the map items are placed with an approximate location. When the contact is made between a Bucketer and a Triber, to be more confident you can use first the chat on the platform.

Can I choose to not share my stuff with someone I don't know?

Yes, if you don’t feel confident by sharing objects with people you don’t know you can start with your friends. But the more you share with others, the more objects you will have access to.

What is my interest by sharing my objects on the platform ?

On one hand, as a Bucketer, sharing on the website enables to get value from your unused items. On the other hand as a Triber you can save money by using the objects instead of buying. Being both enables you to enjoy more for less.

How does the community work ?

A community is a private and tailor-made group to share objects between some of the members of the platform. 2 platforms are offered : community between individuals : You can start creating it by clicking here. It can be for your family, friends, association, sports team etc. community within a company : This concerns the professionals (companies, social landlords, universities etc.) aimed at gathering people in an organization over the sharing.

Can I share my objects with trust ?

Bucket Tribe is a safe and friendly environment for sharing items. Bucket Tribe facilitates transactions making available reservation calendar, automated reminders, wishlist alerts and a chat between Bucketers and Tribers. Peers ratings and reviews ensure the safety and trust on the platform. They are here to help users to get to know who they are going to share with.